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Increasing productivity through the art of decluttering

December 15, 2021

Increasing productivity through the art of decluttering

The average person spends around 30 minutes a day searching for things. If this sounds like you, why not kick off year by getting more organised?

I love a good old declutter and Marie Condo’s book "Sparking Joy" offers a unique way of decluttering, tidying and ensuring your spaces bring joy to your life. So if you feel your home/work spaces stress you out and don't bring as much joy to your life as they could - this is the book for you 🧡

Her high-level principles;

• Collate everything from the same family together before you start tidying or decluttering e.g shoes, books, electronics etc.

• Touch every item and see if it sparks joy. If it does keep it no matter what others think or how broken or useless the item is. If not remove it thank the item for its service before giving it away, selling it, putting it in the rubbish or repurposing it into something that sparks joy.

• If you don’t know if something brings you joy hold onto something that you know does, note how it makes you feel and then go back to the other items and make a quick call- get into the mindset of a cleaning robot making quick decisions.

• Folding everything in the right way is essential. Everything can be folded tightly so it stands up or into a sushi roll so you can make the most of your spaces.• Display as many joy sparking items as you can.✨

For me the book gave me a unique way to think about the items in my home. I also noticed I became a more conscious shopper, was more aware of some of the things that were annoying me and I'm more efficient as everything of the same type is together so there is less hunting going on

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